Heaven Bound Medley - Harp

Guard Your Heart

This Medley was filmed for my best friends funeral, who passed away from cancer after six months of intense suffering. Ella is now with Jesus in Heaven, seeing her Saviour face to face! How comforting to know!

The theme in this medley was composed by myself when I heard of Ella's cancer diagnosis! Out of my sadness this melody came to my heart and brought peace to my soul.

I was able to fly to Germany and spend the last two weeks of Ella's life with her playing the harp, praying, singing and reading the Bible. Her strong faith in Jesus left a remarkable impact on my life.

We sang the hymns in this piece many times before Ella passed away, and our thoughts were Heaven Bound, hence the title for this Medley.

May this piece be a blessing to you and bring peace in your mourning of a loved one.

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4



Originaltitel: In the sweet by and by Text: S. F. Bennet (1836-1898) Deutsch: E. H. Gebhardt (1832-1899) Es erglänzt uns von Ferne ein Land

Originaltitel: Eine Heimat erwartet uns droben

Originaltitel: I want to see my Saviour first of all Text: Francis J. Crosby; Deutsch: Im Himmel gibt es manches was ich gerne möchte sehn

Originaltitel: O That Will Be Glory Text & Melodie: Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932) Deutsch: Wenn nach der Erde Leid, Arbeit und Pein

Originaltitel: Wenn wir vollendet am Throne Gottes stehn. Author: J. Jockimsen

Thanks ‪@madeleinesmusicstudio6862‬ for helping us with the sound track.

‪@evanmartens‬ thanks for your great work in editing this music video!